About Us

The world is experiencing unprecedented times, influenced by the storms of the coronavirus pandemic and Ukrainian war, that are disrupting norms and contributing to the global reset.


Businesses have been forced to adapt their models and innovate to survival as they seek to set the stage for future growth.


The Africa-Canada Investment Summit is a uniquely designed platform that brings together industry leaders from Africa and Canada in an interactive, stimulating environment with the objective of reforming and rethinking the way forward.


Join us as we bring together leading business owners, government officials, policy makers and investors in a unique multi-day event that unites continental synergies, celebrates our rich cultures and challenges the status quo.


The Africa-Canada Investment Summit is a distinctly developed pathway event designed to explore innovative new approaches, identify growth opportunities, engender wealth creation, while improving the quality of life for African and Canadians.

Why You Should Participate 

Canadian Investors


As one of the world’s largest sources of raw material, it can be said, Africa feeds the world.


Unrealized opportunities existing in maximizing Africa’s vast natural and human resources, presenting untapped potential for business entrepreneurs to diversify their holdings, expand operations and grow revenue.


It is estimated that an increase from 12% -17% in inter-Africa trade will add over $1T to the continent’s economy. Africa has the youngest global populations with over 140k millionaire and possess 60% of the world arable land. Increased urbanization and a rapidly growing middle class has created explosive demand for goods and services.


Nigeria’s large frontier economy and Ghana’s stable infrastructure provides the perfect gateway for investors looking for attractive growth areas. The recently signed AfCFTA (African Continental Free Trade Area) agreement open the door to investing in Africa with Nigeria and Ghana offering the ideal pathway to conduct business and access landlocked West Africa nations.


If you are in technology, agriculture, heavy equipment, manufacturing, financial services, an entrepreneur or investor, you cannot afford to miss this event.


Find out how your organization can develop business opportunities in one of the most vibratant fast pace economics in the world Experience the richness of Africa’s culture.

Quick Facts

Africa Population: 1.3B, GDP: $2.6T Nigeria/Ghana GDP > $500B and combined population


>230M, 85% of Africa CEOs project better economic growth in 2022., 74% are concerned about supply-chain disruptions, 44% are changing their workforce strategy. Over 90M households exceed $5000USD, VC Startup funds grew to $1.3B. High ROI on infrastructure projects

Nigerian/Ghanian Investors


Canada’s provides investors preferential market access through its 15 trade agreements including the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).


Canada’s secured trade corridor, infrastructure, strong financial sector, highly skilled educated population, and market-oriented policies make it the ideal gateway for business leaders looking to access North America, the Caribbean and other markets.

Quick Facts

Populations: 38M, 10th largest economy, 2.8M STEM graduates, $23.8B FDI inflow, $33T in Natural Resource.12th largest exporting and importing country in the world. Major industries include: Agribusiness, Technology, Mining, Entertainment\Media, EV Batteries, Advance Manufacturing and Automotive.

What You Will Learn

How you can engage in the extensive development opportunities that exist in Africa Including


Infrastructure projects


Manufacturing and processing


Transportation and Tourism




Media and Entertainment


How to develop unilateral and bilateral trade opportunities


How to extend your market reach and improve business efficiency


How to open and develop trade relationship with African/Canada companies



Establish pathways to engendering stronger government and private investment relationships between Canada and Africa.


Align international opportunities synergistic with Africa interests


Construct platforms that articulate business opportunities between countries


Open vistas of governmental relations and private opportunities


Create a path to improve on democratic tendencies as a way to enhance human and cultural existences


Enact economic investments paths under a beneficial platform for the investor and the invested community


Maximized investor returns by seizing opportunities between both countries Institute open business borders for cultural, educational and tourism


Build pipeline of business opportunities thorough the commodity and trade supply­ chain

Why You Should Participate 

Develop business opportunities in one of the most promising and rapidly developing countries in Africa and in the world

Access first-hand information about major developments plans in progress in Africa

Meet with top Africa government officials to discuss and develop business opportunities

Connect and collaborate with various international investors on major infrastructural development projects

Promote your company’s expertise, exhibit your products and

Learn about investment frameworks available for the private sector organization such as yourself